HighLoad++ 2016 завершён. До встречи в 2017!

Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

7 и 8 ноября
Конференция прошла в этом году уже в десятый раз и собрала 2500 участников. Мероприятие направлено на обмен знаниями о технологиях, позволяющих одновременно обслуживать многие тысячи и миллионы пользователей.

Mathias Renner

Hypriot Ltd.

Mathias Renner - Graduate Student, Entrepreneur, Community Manager and Speaker

Mathias is a graduate student of Business Information Systems at the University of Bamberg in Germany and Co-founder of Hypriot Ltd. At Hypriot, he helps to make the uprising Docker technology ready for the Internet of Things, i.e. porting Docker to small ARM-powered devices as
the Raspberry Pi. He is involved in developing HypriotOS - an operating System optimized to run Docker on IoT devices.

Mathias bootstrapped a vivid Docker Community with regular meetups, where he gives talks about Docker and its eco system. He also gave talks at DockerCon and the International Conference on Telecommunications.

In his studies, he specialized in the energy domain (energy-efficiency, renewable energy), data analytics and machine learning.

Privately, Mathias is very passionate about all topics related to sustainability.


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