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Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

2 и 3 ноября 2015 Крокус-Экспо МОСКВА
Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

HighLoad Solutions On MySQL
Базы данных, системы хранения

Доклад принят в Программу конференции
Alibaba Cloud

Xiaobin Lin is now taking charge of the relational database servic9 in Alibaba Cloud. He works around MySQL source code and cluster maintenance for about 7 years. He has designed and developed some solutions to improve MySQL performance in the scene of high load press on electronic commerce. He has taken part in many database solutions for scalability.


In Alibaba, almost all of the busiest business are builded on MySQL. It aquires MySQL can support high load. The challenge comes from sucn as complex transactions, huge number of parallel connections and press on network, cpu, memory and disk.
To deal with the high press, we have some solutions on database level, such as some patches on MySQL source and the relevant change in application code.
This topics will discuss about the solutions, focus on what problems we met, how solutions were designed and the result of them.

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Базы данных, системы хранения

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