HighLoad++ 2015 завершён! Ждём вас в 2016 году!

Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

2 и 3 ноября 2015 Крокус-Экспо МОСКВА
Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

Ziling Zhao


Ziling Zhao is a software engineer at Google working on the web frontend team at YouTube. Before YouTube, he worked on development operations/site reliability at Google on a small photo editing team called Picnik. Prior to Google he was a software engineer at Cisco. At YouTube he worked on the search frontend, the desktop website, the mobile website, and the Make YouTube Fast initiative. He specializes in depth analysis of our timing data, profiling, analysis, and browser performance.

Ziling obtained his Bachelor in Computer Engineering at The University of Washington.


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